Lindt Canada's Checkered LINDOR Tart

Lindt wanted me to incorporate their chocolate truffles into a dessert and I found a recipe on Lindt Canada’s website and adapted it from here:


Lindt Canada's Checkered LINDOR Tart

You will need:

1¾ cups all-purpose flour
⅓ cup sugar
Pinch of salt
¾ cup cold unsalted butter
1 egg
½ cup heavy whipping cream
2 bars Lindt Excellence 70% Cacao Dark Chocolate, chopped
8-12 LINDOR White Chocolate Truffles (extra is needed in case they break), sliced in half
8-12 LINDOR Milk Chocolate Truffles (extra is needed in case they break), sliced in half

Prep Time: 1 hour, serves 12.

1. In a medium bowl, whisk together flour, sugar and salt. Grate in cold butter. Mix the ingredients together with your fingertips until well blended. Add an egg and mix until the dough comes together. Gather into a ball and slice in half. Form dough into two balls and reserve one for a future tart in the freezer. Wrap the remaining dough in plastic wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes.

2. Preheat oven to 350°F. In the meantime, prepare ganache. Heat cream in a saucepan over medium heat until hot. Turn off heat and stir in chocolate, blending until smooth. Remove from heat and allow to cool.

3. Roll out chilled pastry on a lightly floured surface and fit into a fluted 14×4-inch tart tin, making sure you have enough pastry to cover the sides. Press dough evenly throughout the tart tin.

4. Line pastry with a piece of parchment paper. Add pie weights, dried beans or rice and pre-bake the tart in oven for 20 minutes. Remove parchment paper and pie weights and continue baking for another 12 to 14 minutes or until lightly browned. Let cool for 10 minutes before adding ganache filling.

5. Fill pastry with chocolate ganache (warm ganache up slightly if it has cooled too much) and top with LINDOR Truffle halves, alternating between white and dark. Chill in the fridge for 30 minutes before drizzling leftover ganache on top.